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Country Director ActionAid Nigeria and other stakeholders

Peace Breeders Volume 3 Issue 2



Peace Breeders is the biannual newsletter of ActionAid Nigeria's System and Structure Strengthening Approach Against Radicalisation to Violent Extremism (SARVE III) Project. 

In this Issue, the Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy for Policy Framework (PF) and National Action Plan (NAP) for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) document was launched and stakeholders at different levels were in attendance.

Also, the established Women Safe Spaces and the radio listening groups recorded good reformations, pulling down extremists' barriers and members of the safe spaces are gaining financial freedom from their capacity being built from the sessions.

To find out more on how SARVE III Project has been supporting communities build resilience against violent extremism, download and read document attached.