The Regional Forum on Agroecology (AE), Organic Agriculture (OA) and Climate Smart Agriculture (AIC) in West Africa, organized by the Alliance for Agroecology in West Africa (3AO), West African Organic Network ( WAfrONet) and ActionAid, under the theme “Financing the transformation of sustainable food and nutrition systems for food sovereignty in West Africa through organic agriculture and agroecology: what policies, mechanisms and instruments?” was held in Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria, from October 21 to 24, 2024.
2 2. The forum took place in a global context, both West African and global, marked by a greater awareness of the various groups of development actors, producers and citizens, on the limits and weaknesses of the agro-industrial model of production, marketing and consumption of agricultural products and food. Indeed, this model generates or supports challenges such as the degradation of natural resources and biodiversity, the indebtedness of farmers... These are the root causes of growing poverty, persistent food and nutrition insecurity, rising youth unemployment, health problems, etc.
3 In this situation, structural solutions from AE, OA and CSA are alternatives that can reverse the trend towards developing resilient food systems and achieving food sovereignty.
4 The forum brought together three hundred fifty-seven (357) participants, representing regional institutions, public ministries in charge of the Agro Sylvo- Pastoral and Fisheries sector (ASPH), development partners, networks of Peasant Organizations (PO), and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the private sector, public and private media. About 50 people watched the forum’s work online every day.
5 The opening ceremony of the forum was marked by interventions from representatives of the local steering committee, ActionAid, WAfrOnet and 3AO, who thanked ECOWAS for its support and highlighted the challenges of agroecology, Organic farming and climate-smart agriculture. Dr SY Alain TRAORE, representative of ECOWAS, welcomed the commitment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in favour of AE and stressed the role of farmers in facing climate challenges. Mr Ibrahim TAMINU, representing the Nigerian Minister of Agriculture..., affirmed his country’s commitment to promoting innovative and resilient agricultural practices, while calling for creative solutions for agricultural financing. Then he proceeded to the official opening of the works.