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Rabi Umar


Kupto, a community in Funakaye Local Government Area of Gombe state, had no functional healthcare centre and clean water. To cater to their healthcare needs, the people had to travel long distances to Bajoga or Tongo (the LGA centre) and relied on contaminated streams and wells. However, thanks to ActionAid through her partners' intervention, their condition has improved.

Rabi Umar, a 30-years old farmer, petty trader, mother of five, and a member of the women cooperative group in Kupto expresses her joy over the accessible healthcare and abundant clean water in the community. Previously, she had to bring her own water to the old, dilapidated health facility when giving birth. Rabi is also excited that the new healthcare Centre constructed by ActionAid Nigeria has a clean laboratory, where she can get blood tests done without going far, and without breaking the bank.

She exclaimed, "there is nothing that gladdens my heart such as the lab" and it is equipped with modern facilities, saving the residents from the inconvenience of travelling to distant places.

Not only did Kupto lack healthcare, but they also faced water scarcity, forcing them to compete with livestock for water from streams. This exposed them to waterborne diseases. ActionAid's intervention has provided boreholes, ensuring a sufficient and safe water supply for the community.

Rabi emphasizes on the significance of these improvements, stating that they benefit not only the residents, but also visitors passing through the town. She acknowledges that water is the most crucial of them all, without water, there could be no life.

Rabi Umar
Rabi Umar (in cream coloured hijab)
Kemi Akinremi