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National Assembly Watch

ActionAid Nigeria reports on outcome of decisions in Nigeria's National AssemblyNational Assembly and raises questions about how this affect the lives of poor people. This edition is for the week


National Assembly Watch Week ending 10 November 2012

This week's National Assembly Watch focuses on Constitution review where the Senate says no to referandum and the House of Representatives takes the review to the grassroots. It also looks at the


National Assembly Watch Week ending 29 December 2012

This edition of the NASS Watch celebrates the early passage of the Appropriation Bill before the commencement date (a record in the country). It also reports on the consideration of the findings of


National Assembly Watch Week ending 12 January 2013

This first edition of the NASS Watch for 2013 urges the legislators, as they reconvene, to move quickly to ensure the president assents the Appropriation Bill and to monitor its strict implementation


National Assembly Watch week ending 2 February 2013

This week's edition of the National Assembly Watch looks at the 2013 Appropriation and how the federal legislators have not talked about the non-signing of the passed bill or made moves to override


AAN CSP 2014 - 2018

This strategy, Take Action: End Poverty!, is a reflection of the challenges of poverty and exclusion in Nigeria. It is ActionAid's response to these challenges through effective ways of ensuring

Publication /

ActionAid Girls' Club Manual

This Girls' Club manual was developed out of the practical experience of the TEGIN project in 72 schools across 7 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria.  This manual contains the


Mauritius-Nigeria Double Taxation Treaty

A review of the Mauritius-Nigeria double taxation treaty due to be ratified by Nigeria at the African Union Finance Ministers Conference in Abuja, Nigeria from 25-27 March 2014.